Tuesday, August 09, 2005


PART SEVEN: Things that can suck my cock (a list)

OK, I'm in New York at the moment and have a lot of catching up to do, blog-wise. I'll do a quick, one par round-up first followed by a simple to use ready reckoner IN POINT FORM.

Soooo, after Belize went to Guatemla, highlight: Antigua (beautiful colonial town), then Costa Rica for a week, then Venezuala for what was meant to be two weeks but ended up as one as we scurried the fuck out of there as fast as we possibly could to New York. Details later...

THINGS THAT CAN SUCK MY COCK (in no particular order) ...

1. Days Inn, Sherman Oaks
2. Day's Inn, Inglewood
3. Spanish
4. Quebec
5. American Express
6. American coffee
7. American customs officials
8. American border guards
9. Venezuala
10. Caracus (Venezuala)
11. The French
12. Jeff from Boston
13. My backpack
14. All the cunts in Caracus who wouldn't give me any change to make a phone call
15. Overpriced internet
16. Jeff from Boston
17. Sales taxes
18. Departure taxes
19. Lying scumbags
20. Defective taxis
21. Skytram, Costa Rica
22. The Empire State Building
23. Nigara on the Lake
24. Me for locking the keys in the car
25. My companion for making us go on the Skytram while the keys were locked in the car
26. Drivers in Costa Rica
27. The price of hotel rooms in New York
28. The price of cigarettes in New York
29. The price of everything in New York
30. The guy on the subway with the bandage over his leaking brain who told me I was disgusting
31. Bears
32. Ritz Camera
33. The Fuji Finepix

Of course, there's a lot more things to go on this list, but I left my paper copy at home. Stay tuned for additions.

Next chapter, Guatemala...

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